Disrupting the Cleaning Industry!

Imagine ending your labour supply problems, reducing your staff turnover, doing the right thing by your workers and getting the edge in this competitive market - all at the same time.

Finding cleaners, sourcing labour… what an endless headache. This is becoming even more challenging in the current climate, where access to the social benefit is easing, immigration is flatlining and unemployment is decreasing. The grow@ App offers a powerful new solution specifically geared towards countering these on-going challenges.

With grow@, the future of finding workers is quite literally in your hands. Through its search function, this mobile app allows managers and supervisors to immediately find workers available at the time, location and wage rate for which a staffing need has arisen. If workers that are identified through a search do not work for your company, the standard onboarding process will need to be undertaken (but without the lead time and hassle of trying to find someone prepared to do cleaning work at the MECA rate in the areas and at the times required).

André Reynolds (Founder) & Scarlet Allen (Marketing Executive)

Importantly, your current workers can also use the system, listing their additional hours and locations of availability and changing this to suit their weekly circumstances. All they need to do is visit the App Store / Google Play, download the app and enter basic details on their phone. The search function will prioritise identifying workers that are already employed by your company, so that a manager or supervisor can simply assign the worker to a new job (be it temporary or longer term). Imagine the positive impact on staff turnover with a system enabling your workforce to access additional opportunities in locations and at times that fit into their existing schedule. With grow@ this can be achieved operation wide – no calls, no texts and no managers hiding staffing resources from each other. Just instant in-app communication, optimising your existing workforce and giving you access to an ‘on-tap’ pool of eager employees.

Grow@ is ready, poised to disrupt this industry and deliver a powerful competitive advantage to proactive contractors with an eye to the future. Contact us to find out more.

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